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Here to Help

Here is where you will find a compilation of frequently asked questions from our student community and their families. Should you have questions that are not addressed here, feel free to get in touch.

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What is the School Uniform? 


  • black or grey, skirt/tunic/trousers

  • white blouse/yellow polo shirt (with school logo)

  • black or grey cardigan/ school sweatshirt (black with school logo)

  • black shoes (for younger children, please ensure that if worn, they can tie their own laces)


  • black or grey, shorts/trousers

  • white shirt/yellow polo shirt (with school logo)

  • black or grey, sweater/school sweatshirt (black with logo)

  • black shoes (for younger children, please ensure that if worn, they can tie their own laces)

The above items are all available locally from ASDA, M&S etc.

Items with the school logo are available to order online at

ALL School ties (black and gold) are available from the school office. School ties may be worn with the white shirt/blouse at any time and are particularly encouraged on special occasions when representing the school, e.g. church services, class trips, photos etc.).

PE KIT School PE kit of black shorts and yellow school logo t-shirt (with PE bag) is optional, and are available for purchase via the website above, otherwise children may wear any colour combination of shorts and t-shirt with black soft soled gym shoes (no football colours).


Pupils can bring in school bags and pencil cases and will be notified of the equipment needed for P.E and outdoor learning days. All personal belongings should be clearly labelled. Should the need arise for your child to bring in a phone for after school use or an onward public transport journey, this should be handed into the school office at the start of the day. Pupils are not permitted to use mobile phones during the school day.

Pupils should arrive wearing clean school uniform and suitable outerwear for the weather. School shoes should be appropriate for playground use. Pupils are permitted to wear a watch or stud earrings but other items of jewellery are not permitted. Inappropriate clothing, jewellery and footwear can lead to playground and school accidents.

Pupils should come to school with a healthy break time snack, water bottle and packed lunch box if necessary. Pupils can keep their snacks in their trays throughout the day and a space will be allocated, in each class from P1-P4 for a lunchbox trolley. The P5-P7 lunchboxes will be stored in the school hall. No products containing nuts are permitted in school.

Second hand uniform can be purchased through the RPSA or sourced from the Uniform Hub. Contact details can be gained from the school office.

You may also be entitled to a school clothing grant. Application for Clothing Grant / Free School Meals ( has more details.

What are the school hours and what is the pick up/drop off routine?

School hours are 0900 – 1500. Children should not arrive before 0845 as there is no adult supervision before this time.

Entry and Exit to School

 All pupils when entering and exiting the school grounds should use the entry and exit points. The entry points will be supervised in the morning by designated playground staff. The exit points will be supervised by teachers when classes are departing at the end of the school day. Our school staff wear high-vis vests and are easily identifiable.

Beginning of the School Day

Pupils can enter using any of the school gates. Pupils can enter the school grounds between 8:45am and 9am. The entrances to school are clearly marked below. The Churchyard entry allows more time, support and interaction at drop off for P1 and P2 pupils and we would encourage P1 and P2 pupils to use this entrance where possible.

Pick Up

For family groups, all siblings will leave at the collection point of the youngest child within the family and family groups will leave the school premises together. Pupils that active travel, on bikes and scooters, will be dismissed first through the large playground gates.

  • P1 pupils will be collected in the afternoon in a designated area in the main school playground. The parent ‘Pick up Dots’ will be explained to P1 parents on the first day. P1 parents, at pick up time only, will be permitted into the school playground on the first bell at 2:55pm.

  • P2 pupils will depart from the Church Gate. We will dismiss pupils in alphabetical order by surname.

  • P3/4 pupils will be dismissed from the allotment gate.

  • P5 & 6 pupils will be dismissed from the small gate, by the kitchen, to the big playground. We would expect parents to liaise with their children to identify a safe pick up point a short walking distance from the school building.

  • P7 pupils, not in family groups, will be dismissed through the large playground top gates prior to dismissing P1 parents and pupils through the same gates.

As we envisage large numbers of pupils and families crossing School Road and we would ask that, where possible, people refrain from both driving up and parking on School Road. If this is unavoidable please ensure you park safely, turn car engines off when idle and do not block resident access.

No vehicles should stop in the middle of the road to let pupils out. This compromises pupil safety.

Parents using a car for onward travel should not attempt to move their vehicle whilst pupils are being dismissed from the school gates. Please be patient and allow us to ensure our pupils are dismissed safely from their exit points.


Late Pick-up and Early and Late Arrivals

It is important for the safety of the school community that we minimise late pick-up and early arrivals. There can be no early arrivals as the school is not staffed to supervise pupils. Pupils arriving late should be accompanied by a parent and make their way to the School office. Parents should remain with their child/children until a member of staff has collected them from you. In the event of a late pick up, the class teacher will wait with your child/children at their gate of collection until someone arrives to pick them up. Please note late arrivals and collections are recorded.

Travelling to School

If your child will be travelling to school by public transport please could you inform the school as soon as possible by emailing

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What about food and drink?

There is no payment for school lunches for pupils in P1-5. Pupils in P6-P7, who pay for school lunches, should pay for these electronically. Lunch menus will be emailed to all families and pupils should use ipayimpact to pre order. The school office are on hand to support families should you have any questions regarding this.


Children may also bring packed lunches. For practical reasons, children having school and packed lunches are seated separately.

Normally there are water fountains throughout the school and children can also bring water bottles. Children are encouraged to take their water at break times however each teacher will have their own arrangements to make sure that if necessary children can access their water in class time.

If your message is urgent please phone the school office on 01436 820316 and it will be passed on.

How do I get a message to my child?

When can I speak to the teacher? 

Yes.  Eligibility criteria is set by the local council. Please contact the school office for an application form.

Is there a school bus available? 

Outside formal report times, teachers are happy to arrange a time to speak to you. A suitable time can be arranged via the secretary or ask the teacher directly for a suitable time if you see them e.g. before class.

More details about school policies can be found in the school handbook.

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