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Curriculum Areas

Health and Wellbeing – mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing; PE; food and health; substance misuse; and relationships, sexual health and parenthood

Languages – listening and talking, reading and writing in English and modern languages, plus classical languages and literacy, and Gaidhlig/Gaelic learners (where available)

Mathematics – including analysing information, solving problems and assessing risk

Sciences – understanding important scientific concepts across planet Earth, forces, electricity and waves, biological systems, materials and topical science

Expressive Arts – including art and design, dance, drama and music

Social Studies – understanding people, place and society in the past and present including history, geography, modern studies and business education Technologies – including computing science, food, textiles, craft, design, engineering, graphics and applied technologies

Religious and Moral Education (denominational and non-denominational) – learning about Christianity, other world religions, and developing values and beliefs


Rights Respecting Schools

On Friday 19th March 2021, Rhu Primary launched its Rights Respecting Schools journey, with a colourful rainbow themed day.

So what is the Rights Respecting Schools Award?

The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.

The Award recognises a school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond.

Further information can be found via the web link

Since our launch at Rhu, we have begun to embed children’s rights in our everyday practise and lay the foundations to establish ourselves as a Rights Respecting School.

To date we’ve conducted pupil questionnaires and created a Steering Group, comprising staff, parents and most importantly pupil representatives, to help drive forward the initiative. We have celebrated a variety of International events including World Water Day, Global Recycling Day, Earth Hour, Food Waste Day and Cultural Diversity Day.

Our pupils have conducted research and raised awareness among peers and the wider community of key issues relating to the environment, sustainability, poverty, world hunger, child labour and how we – as responsible citizens – can make a difference!


We have recently been awarded our Bronze award affirming our ‘Rights Committed’ status and have created our action plan for our journey towards Silver – ‘Rights Aware’ status. We look forward to keeping you updated. Follow us on our journey!

Land Pollution

ECO - Schools

Rhu Primary School has been part of the Eco-Schools programme for 17 years.

The school has its own Eco Committee made up of teachers, pupils and friends of the school. The class representatives listen to the class and bring their ideas to the meeting. As a committee they choose topics and set goals, to help the school achieve their next flag. The Committee keeps the school involved by building our next steps and activities into the curriculum and each class takes responsibility for different topics and ideas.

For our last Green Flag we concentrated on Litter, Biodiversity and the School Grounds.

Eco School Scotland praised us for our local litter cleans in the woods, at the park and on the beach and also for our bi-annual poster competition encouraging healthy disposal of dog waste. They were also impressed by our ‘War on Plastic’ and our consistent efforts to reduce plastic waste in our school canteen. They enjoyed hearing about our ‘Switch off Fortnight’ plans and were especially pleased to learn that we took part in the One Planet Picnic which not only encouraged healthy, locally sourced and seasonal food, but also actively avoided single use plastic in our lunch boxes. We are pleased to say we achieved our 8th flag in January 2023, one of the highest achievements in Scotland!

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