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About Rhu Primary School

Rhu Primary is a non-denominational and co-educational school situated in the heart of the village of Rhu. It enjoys close links with the adjacent church and surrounding village, in particular the playgroup and the senior citizens club.


It is a community school which has grown up and developed with the neighbouring area and many members of the village make a very welcome contribution to the life of the school.


We are fortunate that school activities such as church services, concerts, sports days and fundraising activities are supported not only by the parents/carers but by the people of the village generally.


Rhu educates students through the stages P1 to P7 and after modernisation the school is housed in one main building.


Core Values

As a 'Rights Respecting School' we have distilled the schools' core values to 5 key actions:

Be Inclusive - This is not just a statement about diversity and inclusivity (although we also want to equality of educational opportunity), but also a reminder for our students to ensure that their fellow students never feel marginalised in any way.

Be Respectful - Our staff and students should always treat each other with respect. Doing so not only hones young people's nascent social skills, but contributes to a comfortable, enjoyable and effective learning environment.

Be Empathetic - To support inclusivity and respect, our staff and students will be empathetic and understanding.

Be Ambitious - We strive to create an environment where students can thrive and push forward their learning journey at a pace at which they are comfortable, but are not content to remain in their 'comfort zone'.

Be Resilient - Learning goes beyond the school gates. We provide a nurturing environment where students can develop their strength of character, and support them (and you) when life events provide challenges to be overcome. 

Rhu Primary School Philosophy

In our school we are committed to providing appropriate opportunities for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural values through both the ethos and the curriculum. This will be undertaken in partnership with parents/carers and will take account of the individual needs of pupils and the views of parents/carers.


Respecting Rights at Rhu is What We Do!

Here at Rhu we are nurtured, encouraged, challenged, motivated and supported to be all we can be!

We care for each other, our school environment and the wider world. Our successes, talents and achievements are recognised and celebrated and our wellbeing is a key priority.

Our school welcomes and encourages diversity and individuality, while emphasizing our common commitment to moral values such as honesty, respect for others, compassion and justice. Fundamental principles of our school are that all who are involved in the life of our school have the right to be respected as individuals and carry the responsibility to act in a considerate and respectful manner towards others. We are firmly committed to the elimination of any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender or disability.


In Rhu Primary, pupils and staff are encouraged to value and respect themselves, each other and the wider community. Discriminatory and abusive language and behavioural incidents are dealt with promptly and effectively. The Head Teacher and all staff are responsible for all aspects of equal opportunities, curriculum content, classroom practices and school ethos with parents/carers. Bullying is not tolerated in Rhu Primary School and any reports of bullying are dealt with swiftly and fairly by the Head Teacher.

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