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Rhu Primary School

'Rooted in the community and reaching for the stars'

Useful Information

Key information for new and prospective parents

Curriculum for Excellence

Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the Scottish National Curriculum which applies to all children and young people aged 2-18, wherever they are learning. It aims to raise achievement for all, enabling children and young people to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in learning, life and work. The Four Capacities - the curriculum aims for all children to become:  

Successful Learners

Confident Individuals

 Responsible Citizens

 Effective Contributors

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Curriculum Levels

There are national levels to describe different stages of learning and progress. For most children the expectation is:

- Early Level – early learning and childcare to the end of P1

- First Level – to the end of P4

- Second Level – to the end of P7

- Third and Fourth Levels – S1 to S3, with the fourth level broadly equivalent to SCQF level 4

- Senior Phase – S4-S6, and equivalents in other settings, where pupils/students can continue to develop the four capacities and achieve qualifications

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Skills for Learning, Life and Work

The development of the skills for learning, life and work are the responsibility of all practitioners and include literacy, numeracy and associated thinking skills; health and wellbeing, including personal learning planning, career management skills, working with others, leadership and physical co-ordination and movement skills; and skills for enterprise and employability.


Through Curriculum for Excellence children and young people are entitled to a continuous focus on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing. These skills are essential if children and young people are to gain access to continuous learning, to succeed in life and to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle. The use of ICT underpins these overlapping and mutually supportive skills sets; ICT skills will continue to be developed in a variety of contexts and settings throughout the learner’s journey.


All children and young people are entitled to opportunities for developing skills for learning, life and work. These skills are relevant from the early years right through to the senior phase of learning and beyond.

Contact Us

School Rd, Rhu, Helensburgh G84 8RS, UK

01436 820316

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